Former Talisman Energy CEO discusses Peak Oil

From the EnergyBulletin After last weeks admission by the CEO of Shell that cheap oil will peak around 2012. Now we have the former CEO of Canadian energy jewel, Talisman Energy. Dr. Jim Buckee thinks we’ll see $150-$200 oil by Q3 or Q4 2008.. And that will be the point where price rationing begins, as …

The Rise of Nuclear Power – Threat, or logical response?

Since it’s birth in the United States and Russia, Nuclear Power generation has been the domain of the developed world only. The “Old Core” powers (US, Russia, France, UK, and others…) had a nearly exclusive grip on the Atom as a source of increasingly clean, abundant, and reliable power. It seems, to me, that the …

Why President Bush will never Resign (or be impeached)

Here is a little bit of opinion that is worth watching from MSNBC last night. And one can only hope it is repeated far and wide. But I don’t think it will…. or it will at least be cancelled out. The parallels between now and 1974 are quite stunning from everything from oil shocks, political …