I just happened to go over to the No-STV website and there is nothing that bugs me more than FUD. Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. And this website has it in spades. I’ll point out 3: #1… the “Hockey Analogy”: No-STV plots out a hypothetical 7 game Stanley Cup Final with Vancouver vs. Toronto: With four …
Tag Archives: BCSTV
How to find out target ridings for BC-STV
So there was a post this morning on the BC STV website about a volunteer in North Vancouver doing some online research and coming up with specific areas in their riding that had not reached 60% in the 2005 referendum so that they could be targeted with information pamphlets. It’s actually not too difficult, at …
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Try out BC STV online!
This is really cool! Some ingenious folks have created a website that mimics a BC Election using the BC-STV system. You can select your riding, choose your candidates, and then see how your vote gets processed. I “voted” multiple times by going to different ridings so that I could see how my vote worked if …