Oil CEOs won’t be missed

Originally posted on Mastodon June 7, 2024. Sent to the National Post and Suncor (info@suncor.com) June 8, 2024. (this letter is more than 200 words… but so be it) Dear Editor, “Not one less lemming will jump off the cliff if we don’t also jump off the cliff”, so said the millionaire chief of the …

Government, Social Media and obligations under Access to Information laws

I did a thing As sometimes happens, I submitted a letter to a government official/agency today. What now you ask? Well, it has to do with something that has long interested me. Access to Information. Particularly when it comes to government institutions and their reluctance to access to the reams of information they generate out …

Mosaic Forest Management Only Has Contempt

(Background: “Logging near cemetery a ‘shock’ for Port Alberni residents” Letter Published in March 13, 2024 edition of AV News) Dear Editor, I am not shocked. Mosaic’s (formerly Island Timberlands and Timberwest) recent logging adjacent to the cemetery and Hole in the Wall shows in the worst way that it respects the dead as much …