Oil CEOs won’t be missed

Originally posted on Mastodon June 7, 2024. Sent to the National Post and Suncor (info@suncor.com) June 8, 2024. (this letter is more than 200 words… but so be it) Dear Editor, “Not one less lemming will jump off the cliff if we don’t also jump off the cliff”, so said the millionaire chief of the …

To The Editor: Repeal Section 21. Allow communities to manage ungrateful, greedy private forest land owners.

[PREAMBLE: Before I get to the letter, I want to expand on this a bit. As the kids say these days… I have a lot of “feels” when it comes to this issue, thus the slightly strong title to this article. I am sure many of you reading this have strong feelings too. I have …

Ray Lahm, NDP… bows out… because that’s what honourable people do.

NDP Candidate Ray Lahm bowed out of a Vancouver riding over the weekend for having what were deemed “inappropriate” pictures of himself in his underwear on Facebook. So I ask the same question MyBlahg did this morning. Which picture is worse? or