Oil CEOs won’t be missed

Originally posted on Mastodon June 7, 2024. Sent to the National Post and Suncor (info@suncor.com) June 8, 2024. (this letter is more than 200 words… but so be it) Dear Editor, “Not one less lemming will jump off the cliff if we don’t also jump off the cliff”, so said the millionaire chief of the …

The Anatomy of Oil Decline

I spend a lot of words talking about oil decline without explaining what it is or how it works… well. If you’re looking for a slightly more technical take… here’s one on Cantarell.(Gerson Lehrman Group) An average well in 1981 would produce 29,000 bbl/day. Development continued with production coming from many of the fields including …

Newt Gingrich can’t Count (oil) he’s dangerous.

Today the House Energy Committee got a visit from Al Gore… and he ruffled some feathers… especially those of Mr. Gingrich. Here’s his response He says that Al Gore presented “misleading ascertions”. Newt says… [Al Gore] said for example, the rate of new discoveries, is falling for energy. That’s factually not true. Actually, Newt, it …