It’s time for a Stop Light at Cathedral Grove.

I wrote this after seeing this article from CHEKNews about visitors wondering why it was so dangerous in the Park, “Pedestrians cross the highway at Cathedral Grove after vehicles in both directions stop for them, causing honking from other vehicles nearby”, what an embarrassment! Dear Editor (and Minister Todd Stone), Since what seems like the …

Goodbye Canada Action Greenwashers – Ban Fossil Fuel Advertising and Wind Down the Fossil Fuel Industry.

(Sent July 2, 2024 to the Alberni Valley News – Published July 17 Edition) Dear Editor, I was gratified to see this morning an empty spot where the lying LNG lobby group “Canada Action” had their billboard near Coombs Country Candy. Their billboard messages about LNG “reducing” greenhouse gases were blatant lies. Apparently the leaked …

Oil CEOs won’t be missed

Originally posted on Mastodon June 7, 2024. Sent to the National Post and Suncor ( June 8, 2024. (this letter is more than 200 words… but so be it) Dear Editor, “Not one less lemming will jump off the cliff if we don’t also jump off the cliff”, so said the millionaire chief of the …