Anti-War Questions: Answered.

Some questions asked by Winds-of-Change of the Anti-War crowd. Q1: What would have been the best, most legitimate way for Iraq to achieve democratic elections? Can it be applied to Burma, North Korea, Iran, and other dictatorships? The best way to achieve democratic reforms is through political and economic pressure combined with support for native …

Interim Oil For Food Report: Part 2

Alright... continuing on the analysis of the Interim Report I'm finding the report quite engaging actually. It's doesn't seem to be your standard legaleeze... it's written much more like a book, and as such is much easier to follow. Intrigue, Scandal, Back stabbing... it's got it all!! 😉 Here are the conclusions the Report makes …

Interim Oil For Food Report: Part 1

So, the Interim report is out. And, as expected, it's a doozy, but perhaps not totally for the reasons we thought it would be. Because it is so long, and there is a ton of really interesting stuff, I'm going to keep adding to this post as I read. I'll add to the bottom so …