Fits and Starts in City Building

(This letter was sent to the Alberni Valley News on Friday May 7, 2021 in response to ‘‘New’ Dry Creek path falls into disrepair in Port Alberni’) Letter published May 26, 2021 Dear Editor, Change often comes in fits and starts, other times, it appears all at once. It’s getting to the end that matters. …

The Railway beyond the Capital

Dear Editor, (Published in the Times Colonist May 4, 2021) I feel I must respond to the “Stop dreaming about returning trains to E&N corridor” in a very simple way.  The original railway did not only run from downtown Victoria to the wilds of Seven Mile Pub and Royal Roads. The Island Corridor was conceived …

Port Alberni’s Future Development Zoned Land – Green Space or Urban Sprawl?

City Owned land on the market. At an Alberni Valley Transition Town Meeting on March 17th (agenda here) Councillor Poon, who is the City representative at the AVTTS (non-voting) told the members present that the City has tasked the newly re-hired Director of Development with “selling off empty pieces of land that are within our …