So, this is it. Polling will start in the Eastern-most parts of the United States in less than 24 hours. Barring the unthinkable, there I don’t think there is much anyone can do or say today to convince people to change their minds. Those who have decided on Bush or Gore will not change… and …
Tag Archives: US
Ooh Sleeping One: 11lbs 10oz!
We got an official weight from the doctor yesterday! 11lbs 10oz! Not bad for being 5 months and 8 days old! Jade is continuing, obviously, to grow and thrive. She is very active now, especially in the mornings. She has actually been sleeping for 6-7 hour stints at night now! This makes Mom very happy. …
Weapon of Mass Destruction
As is so often the case… political and social upheaval is often accompanied by popular music. This song has been playing on our local Top-20 radio station over the past few months. His lyrics resonate to both “sides”. (Whether long range weapon or suicide bomber Wicked mind is a weapon of mass destruction Whether you’re …