Cross-Atlantic… Cooperation??

I know, it sounds crazy. But if you combine these three news stories… well, maybe there is a bit of a “thaw” happening between the EU, UN and US. Updated Once click UN presents Syria with Ultimatum (Cheers: The War in Context) A top U.N. envoy will tell President Bashar Assad that Syria will face …

Interview with Syrian President Assad

Syria Comment has posted the translation of an Interview with President Assad of Syria. Some interesting quotes: Those who expect Ukraine in the country of Cedars is under an illusion. You see, Lebanon is complex, one has to know how to interpret it. It is a society that, to many respects, is tribal, divided in …

Iran and Syria form common front

It’s been a rather discouraging week when it comes to Iran and Syria. First there was the bombing in Lebanon. Many, including, apparently the US Administration, have blamed or at least implicated Syria for the murder of the former Lebanese PM. I’ve since found a couple interesting Syrian/Lebanese/Arab blogs addressing the subject… and it seems …