Eight more years of Natural Gas

Yes. That’s 2014… The Vancouver-Whistler Olympics are just over 3 years away… 2010… coming quick eh? 2014 is not much farther off. I’ve blogged about it before. No doubt I will be blogging about it again. Others have blogged about it in much greater detail I just want to remind everyone. And don’t be fooled, …

How to prepare communities for Peak Oil

I’m seriously thinking of putting together a small presentation for my City Council. In it, I will introduce the possibility of Peak Oil and it’s worst case scenarios for our City. I don’t believe scare tactics will ever work to really make people understand just how serious Peak Oil and the subsequent Decline will be… …

The Electrification of Vancouver Island (passenger and freight rail)

(There is an addition to this article here) I’ve proposed to a number of people over the past few months that what needs to happen in order to limit our consumption of oil *and* our emissions of climate-change inducing fumes, is to electrify our transportation networks. With regular joes like myself, I usually get a …