Why Ethanol is Not the Answer:

“Heatwaves and biofuel demand in Europe and US to fuel bread, pasta and beer price rises” Finfacts (Irish Business news portal) The combination of heatwaves in Europe and the US, low global grain stocks and an increase in production of biofuels has seen wheat prices rise to 10-year highs and may lead to big increases …

______ Extends Emergency Laws

Can you fill in the blank? ______ “has extended controversial emergency laws giving the security forces broad powers to arrest and detain people without charge. Parliament agreed another two years of the legislation on Sunday. ” “But opposition groups said the law failed to combat terrorism and was used to violate the rights of [citizens].” …

Excellent Iran resource

The BBC has posted an excellent resource on their website. It’s a map of Iran which details it’s population, ethnicity, major cities, and infrastructure including roads, nuclear sites, and oil and gas fields. Go check it out. (Broadband connection required… or it may be slow). And remember… “Persian” is not the same as “Arab”. Also… …