Newt Gingrich can’t Count (oil) he’s dangerous.

Today the House Energy Committee got a visit from Al Gore… and he ruffled some feathers… especially those of Mr. Gingrich. Here’s his response He says that Al Gore presented “misleading ascertions”. Newt says… [Al Gore] said for example, the rate of new discoveries, is falling for energy. That’s factually not true. Actually, Newt, it …

Here we go again… Oil Price Speculation or Real? this morning has an article that I wasn’t expecting until at least August this year. But here it is all the same. The topic? Oil Prices Resist the World’s Recession Trend Their main point: The resilience shown by the oil markets is not because of any improvement in the global economy or rise in …

The NDP should Axe the Tobacco Tax.

Yes, they should. It adds $37 to a carton of cigarettes. Canadians have pumped $138 Billion into government coffers since Louis St. Laurent levied the first tobacco tax in 1950. And where has that gotten us? Censorship. Certain companies can’t advertise in certain places… or at all? Discrimination. Folks, stuck outside, 5 metres from everything, …