A continuation of yesterdays thread... which now has 7 Updates. Please read them all! I just came across this article at the Daily Star (a Lebanese newspaper) It's very very interesting, some things I was not aware of: Unlike the U.S., France is not seeking Assad's overthrow, only the reform of his government. Chirac has …
Iran sends message to US
Iran is ready to defend its' right to possess nuclear energy for peaceful purposes." This from ADBOI The difference between Irans' position and Iraqs' position is quite stark. Before the Iraq war, Saddam was doing everything he could to prevent an invasion while still saving face. It was obvious that he knew his days were …
Pictures from New Brunswick!
The new Pictures are up! Click on "Jade Pictures" to see them. They'll also be in their own "February 2005" link after tomorrow. Mom and Jade returned from Sussex, New Brunswick on Saturday night. It was a long flight, but a good flight. Jade slept most of the way and was apparently in a decent …