Twittering my yard

6:55:59 PM: Planted Concorde grapes today PM: The herb garden is coming back PM: Thrhubarb lives! PM: Dog ate the kids book PM: Flower garden is coming back PM: Daphodyls are almost done… Time for tulips PM: A beautiful evening to end the post. AM: New post: Here …

How to find out target ridings for BC-STV

So there was a post this morning on the BC STV website about a volunteer in North Vancouver doing some online research and coming up with specific areas in their riding that had not reached 60% in the 2005 referendum so that they could be targeted with information pamphlets. It’s actually not too difficult, at …

Transition Town Port Alberni first gathering!

7:57:30 PM: We’re talking about what Transition Towns is…8:01:23 PM: Went through the Transition Primer and the Principles in the Transition Handbook ( PM: the global problem is just too much to consider…8:07:42 PM: have to act locally because that’s the only change we can make anyway8:07:59 PM: you can be a role model in …