There has been much discussion, on my blog and others about the Downing Street Memo and its’ implications on the credibility of the Bush and Blair Administrations. (Audio Pocast Available) The Downing Street Memo is the basis of what I consider to be an inevitable impeachment process facing the Bush Administration. Now, in a addition …
Category Archives: Politics
Tsunami Warning on West Coast Canada
Breaking News! There has been a strong earthquake off the coast of Northern California. According to news reports, there is a “Tsunami Warning” for the US Coast from the epicenter to Canadian border. There is a “Tsunami Watch” for the West Coast of Vancouver Island in British Columbia. This hits close to home for me. …
Canadians fear US Foreign Policy
This according to a survey done by the Department of Naional Defense. (Updated Twice) (Audio Podcast Available) First, my apologies, I have not found an online source for this information. I heard this on CKNW yesterday afternoon. They gleaned it from the pages of a recent National Post. Apparently, the government survey was conducted recently, …