New Algorithm that detects political “spin”

The New Scientist website has an interesting article talking about political “spin”… and a new algorithm developed to tell who’s doing the most. The algorithm, which was originally developed to analyze the US Presidential candidates during the last election, has been applied to the Liberal, Conservative and NDP leaders. The results are perhaps predictable, but …

I will delist from Political Affiliates

Hi everyone. From now until the end of the Election I will be removing all links to Political sites on my sidebars and delist from those affiliates including Progressive Bloggers, Blogging Dippers, and Green Bloggers. I am doing this for two reasons: #1: My wife has completed her training for Elections Canada and thus, under …

Osama and Chirac… flukes and nukes

As has been widely reported, a statement has been broadcast on Al Jazeera (full BBC transcript…..edited AlJazeera translation) apparently from Osama Bin Laden. Osama says that the US should be prepared for another attack “soon”. (In computer speak, we’d interpret that as “RSN” or Real Soon Now.. like Windows Vista). And graciously offers the US …