Want to keep cheap gas? Fight for Nigerian human rights!

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably adjusted, however begrudgingly, to the current price of gasoline, diesel, heating oil, and/or natural gas. Today.. the price of Oil continues to hover around $61 for both the NY and London Brent markets. However, the security of that ever-present stream of oil is, as always, under threat. Whether …

The Social impact of the next Terror Attack on North America.

John Robb, of Global Guerrilas, has a warning. Osama bin Laden offered a truce to America last month. This is a religiously mandated action prior to an attack. We should anticipate that new attacks on US targets will occur soon. Robb studies International Terrorism and seems to have a very good grasp of how terrorists …

Ignorance and Greed using the Prophet Mohammad

This issue is just getting out of control, and it’s bringing out the worst in both Western and Middle Eastern society. We have all seen the terrible reactions, both politically and emotionally motivated, in the Middle East. Riots, tear gas, burnings, and even death. The reaction in the West has been less overt, but in …