Let me preface this by saying that I only know as much about the proposals Ken Dryden (the Minister responsible) as what I ahve seen in news reports. So assumptions and opinions that I have may change as more facts about the details of the proposed daycare initiative are revealed. However, already, I see the …
Author Archives: chrisale
NHL Season Cancelled, Hockey Family mourns
So at 10AM PST, Gary Bettman, the NHL Commissioner, announced that the 2004-2005 season was officially cancelled due to the labour dispute. I don’t have much to say about that except that I am disappointed, and disgusted, at what a formerly great league has become. Like every other Pro league in North America. It’s not …
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CBC exposes Quebec Power Plant security
Hey, I wonder if Bill and FoxNews will pick this one up…. Radio-Canada, the French language CBC network aired a documentary last night where apparently their reporter walked right into the control center of one of the largest Hydro stations in Canada… it’s in James Bay in Quebec, and it supplies power to millions of …