Earth Hour side-by-side comparison!

It’s Earth Hour today at 8:30PM PDT! And just in time, has been “TED enabled!” If you want to know how honest *I am* during Earth Hour tonight, you can monitor my Energy consumption right here. Check out the graph links for different times along the bottom too! Tomorrow I will post a side-by-side …

BC Liberals: “We {heart} BC Hydro” Really!

So because I’m a news dork, I subscribe to the PR RSS feed from the BC Government. I knew right away there was blogging material coming my way when I saw this headline: FACTS ON INDEPENDENT POWER PRODUCTION *rubs hands together*… lets begin: Says El Gordo: Claim: B.C. does not need to be electricity self-sufficient; …

An excellent perspective on Obama, from Russia.

I have the Moscow Times in my RSS feeds because it is one rare example of an excellent english newspaper from a decidedly non-western perspective. Is Obama or McCain Better for Russia? If Barack Obama is elected U.S. president on Tuesday, he will join President Dmitry Medvedev in becoming the first post-baby boom leader of …