Customary International Law, George Bush and Iraq

This is in response to Lt Cmdr Smash’s comments at his blog. You can read them here. He served in Operation Iraqi Freedom and we have had an ongoing dialogue and discussion since 2003. Over time my position has hardened while he has stuck true to his line but our basic disagreement has always been …

US Senate report exposes Iraqi – Russian bribery

The US Senate investigation of the Oil-For-Food scandal has released a report today implicating top Russian officials who possibly got bribes from Saddam. Frankly, given the long history of economic and military ties between Russia and Iraq, it wouldn’t surprise me at all to find that Saddam sent bribes to Russia for favourable treatment. However.. …

Venezuela and Latin American poised to make waves?

Just finished reading an interesting analysis of the “near-abroad” region and how Venezuela in particular could be setting itself up for a confrontation with the US. Venezuela is the 4th largest supplier of oil to the US. Almost equal to Saudi Arabia. Yet, President Bush and Hugo Chavez don’t exactly see eye to eye on …