A War Effort is Needed – To Transition from Fossil Fuels

Sent to the Alberni Valley news March 10, 2022 Published in the March 15, 2022 Alberni Valley News Dear Editor, Nearly every war of the past century can be directly or indirectly tied to the securing of fossil fuel resources. That applies to Ukraine today. My mother’s family (Neufeld and Heubner) were refugees from southern …

Coal Trains still coming back to Vancouver Island?

Certainly looks like it. A few months ago there were some articles online about a company looking to get the rights to and then mine coal near Courtney here on Vancouver Island. It caused quite a stir, particularly in the rail community as the company directly mentioned the close proximity to the E&N and the …

Peak Oil and Gas biting hard in Alberta – Have-Not soon.

While both the Liberals and Conservatives in Parliament talk up the potential of the Tar Sands to keep votes in Alberta… the reality on the ground is starting to really hurt the revenues of Canadas’ richest province. As far back as August last year, at the apex of the oil price shock, there have been …