Sent to the Alberni Valley news March 10, 2022
Published in the March 15, 2022 Alberni Valley News
Dear Editor,
Nearly every war of the past century can be directly or indirectly tied to the securing of fossil fuel resources. That applies to Ukraine today.
My mother’s family (Neufeld and Heubner) were refugees from southern Ukraine 100 years ago.

It suddenly all feels very personal. Ever since the late 2000s there has been talk of the need for a “World War II†type effort by government to reduce energy and carbon use quickly in the face of climate change. (see US Congressman Roscoe Bartlett – circa 2005)
Now, actual war has come back to Europe. Canadian forces are not in combat, but certainly in harms way. The United States is talking about “heat pumps for Europe†and the EU is proposing a massive build of renewable energy to enable cutting off Russian supplies before next winter.
Our long term, and now immediate, safety and financial security depend on massive action to reduce fossil fuel dependancy and use. It appears governments have accepted this. It is certainly better than taking up arms, and will help avoid that fate.
We must do it justly, supporting and transitioning workers so that they can participate in this grand effort. No one can be left behind. We’ve waited too long. It must begin now, for Ukraine and all of us.
Chris Alemany
Top image from “Germany just generated a record 85% of its energy from renewable sources“
More Family information in this short thread:
Here we are trying to make big decisions on an Official Community Plan when looking a very unstable future. The future of our community lies in self-sufficiency.
For sure!