Tsunami Warning on West Coast Canada

Breaking News! There has been a strong earthquake off the coast of Northern California. According to news reports, there is a “Tsunami Warning” for the US Coast from the epicenter to Canadian border. There is a “Tsunami Watch” for the West Coast of Vancouver Island in British Columbia. This hits close to home for me. …

Canadians fear US Foreign Policy

This according to a survey done by the Department of Naional Defense. (Updated Twice) (Audio Podcast Available) First, my apologies, I have not found an online source for this information. I heard this on CKNW yesterday afternoon. They gleaned it from the pages of a recent National Post. Apparently, the government survey was conducted recently, …

Supreme Court rules on Health Care

Today might be a very important day in the history of the Canadian single-payer health care system. (Audio podcast available) The CBC reports, n a 4-3 decision, the panel of seven justices said banning private insurance for a list of services ranging from MRI tests to cataract surgery was unconstitutional under the Quebec Charter of …