If you’re not too fed-up, check out the UN Webcasts

Even though I’ve been feeling even more cynical than usual, especially towards the UN… I still found myself at the UN website this afternoon. They actually have a lot of information about the 60th General Assembly. They also have live webcasts throughout the Assembly. They start a 9AM EST and go all day. You can …

Survey: Citizens don’t feel empowered (duh)

Ya, I’d go with that statement… (Updated) According to a new survey commissioned by the BBC and conducted by Gallup International, most of the worlds population feels that they do not control their own government. The BBC has a couple stories on this poll, and some great graphs that you should check out at the …

Words of a Prime Minister

Brian Mulroney, without a doubt, changed Canada. For better or for worse is up to your interpretation… though towards the end, I think the bumper stickers said it all. (Tax this _||_ Mulroney) So it is that now a book has been released that shows Mulroney apparently thought much the same about pretty much everyone …