Mayor Candidates Meeting – Opening Statements

Here are the opening statements of the 7 candidates for Mayor for Port Alberni. I apologize a) that I cut Ms. Solda off from her very first few words... bumbling with the iPad. 🙂 and b) that my iPad didn't have enough juice after a long day to record the whole meeting. I did …

Getting Rail back into Port Alberni and reforming the ICF

If you have read any of my letters to the papers over the last few years you would know I see reactivating the railway as a key way to grow our economy, limit city expenses, and provide new opportunities for tourism and commuters in a financially responsible and climate sensitive way. You can see my …

I will be at Char’s! And.. No way to run a council

First: Please come down and say hi at Char's Landing! I will be at all of her open houses Thursdays and Sundays until the election. I will be there around 5:30 tonight as soon as I get back from work. Come say hi! Second: As I have for many months, and indeed many years, I …