I went back to the hospital at 9:30PM to see Theresa and found her sleeping. She woke just a little and told me she was feeling a whole lot better. She said she felt cozy in her blankets. I don't think she's felt cozy in bed for at least 2 months! So she Must be …
Original Stuff
Jade is another day older and doing great. She is on a little oxygen for the first time this morning. Nurse said she was tired and needed a little help so she's on 25.9% oxygen (normal air is 21%). She's still doing great though and looks better everyday. At last check she was 740g which …
First Post
Hi Everyone. As you can see I've changed my site. To those who may have never seen these things... this is known as a "Web Log" or "Blog" for short. It's alot easier for me to quickly post updates using this system than on my old webpage. So I hope you enjoy it. I'll be …