One problem I ran into with Apache 2 seemed to be setting up aliases for servers. For example, if you want to have "" work along with the regular "". I thought you could use ServerAlias * To match any incoming domain for apparently not. I have not been able to find a way …
Creating a More Effective United Nations
UPDATE: Alright... so Jane says (paraphrasing đŸ™‚ ) "Who cares who it was! The UN is bloody infuriating" You're right... and I think this guy, Prime Minister Paul Martin agrees with you. Though he can't use the same language in the world of Diplomacy (wish he could). At the UN General Assembly, Paul Martin introduced …
American Heroes
I must post this blog from An Iraqi Blogger. I have another post from another blog I'd like to share.. but this one is just too poignant to delay. The mosque strewn with bodies of Iraqis- not still with prayer or meditation, but prostrate with death- Some seemingly bloated… an old man with a younger …