Adrienne Clarkson, Canadas' Governor General has declared that the Stanley Cup should not be forgotten simply because of NHL labour issues! No, following the wishes of her predecessor, Lord Stanley, Governor General of Canada who, in 1893 purchased the Cup and left it in the care of two trustees so that it could be awarded …
Mr. Dithers grows a Backbone
And if Paul Martin isn't careful he might just come across as being a leader. I gotta say I was flabergasted when I read, again on ADBOI, (yes, I know, I'm addicted) this: While “diplomacy and dialogue†remain a top priority, the Prime Minister said the world community “must be prepared to stand behind our …
Blogosphere Unite for Iran!
There is a ton of news coming out of Iran... not just the Earthquake. ADBOI along with the BBC and other Persian news sources report multiple, large protests across Iran. Including at the University in Tehran and Kurdish towns in the West. Besides the real protests on the ground, there is also a movement afoot …