I've been catching up on my Blogrolls today, and came across this post from CItizen of Mozul. It's from August 4th... but given the seriousness of the charge, and the lack of any reaction (or at least any that I've heard) in the US... it's worth repeating. Read the entire thing... it has nuggets of …
Raed on Hurricane Katrina
You may know Raed in the Middle already. If you do, you probably have an opinion on his perspective of things. But you can't deny that he is there, on the ground, and his opinions are likely those shared, if not by all, then by a large number of others because, in his position and …
Supporting the Troops
One of the things that really makes my blood boil is when those on The Right accuse people who oppose the war of not "supporting the troops" and even "supporting the enemy". To any rational person with some common sense and ability to think critically, this is, of course, absurb. But the perception exists, and …