Fox Correspondent: Steve Harrigan “I don’t want to go back”

Are you going back [to Iraq] anytime soon? I don’t want to go back. Really? Yeah. … I think once the Americans leave [the Iraqis] will slaughter each other. This from Fox News Channel War Correspondent Steve Harrigan today on Dayside . He also said Iraq is “not a story anymore”… people, the media, are …

Bombing of Shia Mosque in Iraq : Three Views

From an Iraqi: As if we didn’t have enough problems already! From where I’m sitting now I can hear both Sunni and Shia mosques are condemning the attack through their loudspeakers. Things look scary here in Baghdad… Head of the Sunni endowment sheikh Ahmed al-Samarra’I announces that he will allocate 2 billion dinars (~1.4 million …

New York Judge: Maher Arar deportation… matter of Security

The Toronto Star is running on story on the latest in the saga of Maher Arar. The Canadian who was deported by the US to Syria during a stopover at Kennedy International in New York. He stayed in a Syrian jail for over a year and claims to have been tortured. The case led to …