Under the Geneva Conventions electrocution of a prisoner would be considered torture. So what about Tasers? Last week, an Iranian student at UCLA got tasered: The Youtube video is below… the officers keep saying, after tasering him the first time.. “Stand Up!” “Stand Up!”… but really.. if you’ve been tasered, would you be able to …
Category Archives: Politics
Some Peak News
There have been a few interesting articles relating to Peak Oil that I wanted to pass peoples way. #1: Does the Peak Oil Myth Fall Down… to steal directly from the EnergyBulleting/Oil Drum release: With the release of Why the “Peak Oil” Theory Falls Down — Myths, Legends and the Future of Oil Resources by …
Remembrance but also Understanding
I must be short as I’m headed to Victoria to visit family and celebrate my birthday (which was on the 9th). Today is like no other Day of Remembrance in Canada that there has been for perhaps 40 years. Canada is engaged in a War. On this day, remember the Veterans, honour them, wave at …