BC Liberals: “We {heart} BC Hydro” Really!

So because I’m a news dork, I subscribe to the PR RSS feed from the BC Government. I knew right away there was blogging material coming my way when I saw this headline: FACTS ON INDEPENDENT POWER PRODUCTION *rubs hands together*… lets begin: Says El Gordo: Claim: B.C. does not need to be electricity self-sufficient; …

UBC Researchers propose Metro Vancouver wide Transit system

This is really incredible: Want One Port Mann Bridge, or a Light Rail Metropolis? The provincial government now intends to go it alone, spending $3.1 billion to erect a new 10-lane bridge and widen the road on either end. ….. What other transportation infrastructure, they asked, could we instead have for $3.1 billion? By the …

Jeff Rubin talks future Economy

Viagra Online Apparently he was on “The Hour” on CBC a couple days ago. Here is the vodcast, it’s very very interesting how he ties everything together. Mr. Rubin also did a Live Chat at CBC Online yesterday that provided some more direct answers and questions about his views on the global economy and energy …