Rafe Mair on Muckrackers and the dilution of the 4th Estate

For those that do not know him, Rafe Mair is one of the best known political commentators in Canada. He was once a provincial MLA and Cabinet Minister. But for the past decade and-then-some he has been a fiesty even fiery voice on the local radio station in BC and often broadcast around Canada. Rafe …

BC Teachers: fighting for Negotiation

A short post on the current strike by BC Teachers. Last week they were ruled to be in contempt of court… however, the court was very light on their punishment of the union. They only froze the assets of the BC Teachers Federation… thu denying teachers their $50 a day strike pay. Now when you …

Iraqi Constitutional waiting game

As we continue to wait for the final results I’ll point you to an article at “Back to Iraq 3.0”. He is a once-freelance now Time-affiliated reporter in Baghdad. He’s extremely familiar with Iraqi society and today has posted some interesting insight into what might or might not happen with the Constitution. His conclusion is …