This whole flap about the “Popcorn & Beer” comment has done only one thing. It has allowed people to forget about the real issue, which is child care, not whether “The Government is Better for your kids than Parents”. The latter is simply a scare-tactic and simplifies an incredibly complex issue that deserves SERIOUS debate. …
Category Archives: Politics
Green Party leader on the National Dec 14
In what appears to be some sort attempt to placate the complaints of the Green Party not being in the Debate, Jim Harris has been invited to participate in a “town hall” style event on the National on Wednesday, December 14. (hattip: Green Canuck) It will air during the regular National broadcast, likely after the …
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Rising Attacks in Afghanistan: Stay the course
The CBC is reporting that 3 Canadians were injured by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan today. Is the moon full today? … because today I’m going to the words of George W. Bush. “Stay the course”. For the most part though, his words and mine are directed at very different things. He’s talking about the …
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