Another “scarce” resource… Copper

We use it in pretty much anything that has to do with electronics. Our water runs through it, and our technology depends on it. So what would happen if… all of a sudden, the supply of Copper became just a little too tight?. It certainly has the geek folk at Slashdot buzzing. Scientific American addresses …

Sure thing? Conservatives poised for victory?

Well, that’s certainly the case if you ask any right-wing/conservative blogger out there. However, I’m not so sure, and not only because I’m petrified of the effects of a Conservative Majority (which some are so bravely predicting). All this hubbub is, after all, based on polling data but as I have said before, polls are …

I will vote NDP on Saturday: This is Why…

Last night I went to the All Candidates meeting here in Port Alberni. I am in the riding of Nanaimo-Alberni on Vancouver Island. I already intended on voting this Saturday in the advance polls (voting on the weekend is alot easier than after a days work and commute home)… So, I went to the ACM …