The new Pictures are up! Click on “Jade Pictures” to see them. They’ll also be in their own “February 2005” link after tomorrow. Mom and Jade returned from Sussex, New Brunswick on Saturday night. It was a long flight, but a good flight. Jade slept most of the way and was apparently in a decent …
Category Archives: Family
The Oreilly Way
The more I watch FoxNews, and especially the more I watch Bill Oreilly, the more I love it. It’s the kind of fun you have from watching a crocodile devour an antelope that got too close to the water. I just watched a segment on an “abortion mill” in Kansas. Bill had a judge and …
News from New Brunswick!
My wife tells me via the 30 year old rotary phone (no REALLY!) in Grandpa Johnsons’ 82 year old house that Miss Jade has sprung a Pair of Teeth!! The *pearly* whites are mere white ridges now.. but by the end of the week they might just be picture worthy! I hope the poor little …