Jade is One Month old today! Hooray for little Jade! I’m sure if she could speak she’d thank you all and then rattle off some hilarious one-liner (cuz she’s got a great sense of humour ya know 😉 )… but she can’t quite speak yet. So I’ll just say thanks for her! Happy Birthday to …
Category Archives: Family
Weed like Growing: 1138g
2lbs 8oz It’s incredible how fast Jade is growing.. you can really see it now. Her head is bigger, her diaper almost fits, she has calf muscles, she has baby fat around her upper arms, she looks more and more like.. a baby! That said, I still look over at the baby beside Jade and …
Hi everyone. It’s been an interesting few days. Jade has had what seems to us as lots of Apneas and Bradys, which is nerve racking. But the nurses assure us she’s ok. On the other end… she’s gaining weight like crazy! It seems that as soon as she hit 1000g she passed a sort of …