This is a followup to BC Wildfire Tanker Cost FOI — The Devil is in the -redacted- Details.  Download the full, un-redacted FOI Release here: Reconsideration FOI (PDF) Download the Excel Spreadsheet here: XLS file or PDF file THE PREVIOUSLY REDACTED DETAILS HAVE BEEN RELEASED! CHALLENGE #1: Will the parties and subsequent new Provincial Government, commit to re-evaluating the effectiveness of its FIRE …
Category Archives: Environment
Time to Investigate, Improve and Augment Aerial Fire Fighting
This is a followup to BC Wildfire Tanker Cost FOI — The Devil is in the -redacted- Details.  Download the full FOI Release here: Reconsideration FOI (PDF) Download the Excel Spreadsheet here: XLS file or PDF file CHALLENGE #1: Will the parties and subsequent new Provincial Government, commit to re-evaluating the effectiveness of its FIRE FIGHTING STRATEGY and USE OF AERIAL RESOURCES?  Are we …
Continue reading “Time to Investigate, Improve and Augment Aerial Fire Fighting”
(Updated Dec 21) CanTimber Golder report raises serious concerns that must be addressed before restarting
(Updated Dec 21) Subsequent the City of Port Alberni has released a statement on the report. Â Here is the City of Port Alberni’s statement. Earlier this week, the Port Alberni Port Authority publically released the evaluation of operations and emissions at the Cantimber Biotech facility. The evaluation was conducted by Golder Associates, an independent consulting …