The BC NDP Platform

The election campaign is officially here. The barbs have been flying for some time now, but I thought it worth it to go through each party platform, even though I will likely vote NDP, I still think it’s important to go through everything and pick out what I like, or really don’t, as much as …

David Suzuki Shuns NDP on Carbon Tax

Yet more proof that under our current political leadership, people are choosing the least worst option, rather than the best option. Yesterday the David Suzuki Foundation and two other groups, officially shunned the BC NDP due to their key platform promise to eliminate the Carbon Tax. Traditionally the NDP has always been a supporter of … now iPhone enabled

Thanks to a really sweet wordpress plugin from, this blog is now iPhone optimized. So go ahead… find me on Twitter (on the left)… on Facebook (on the bottom of each post), and now on your iPhone. I’m everywhere and nowhere… all at the same time.