It is really infuriating and disappointing to see the amount of fear and misinformation out there about the swine flu. I saw on the CBC news yesterday that a WHO official had stated to a number of people that the influenza that infects pigs could persist in the meat and infect humans that way. The …
Author Archives: chrisale
Analysis of Alberni Pac-Rim ACM
So here’s my take on how the meeting went tonight. Supporters in the room: There were probably 20 rows of chairs with an aisle in the middle. It was pretty much full, plus lots of people standing. The only large number of clapping Liberal supporters were directly in front of me… about 4 rows worth. …
Live Tweet-Blog of Alberni PacRim All Candidates meeting
Done… comments coming in a later post. Final Comments, in order of presenation: Greens: Back with his display… Green pitch: Green party shares a vision for prosperity, fairness and sustainability that is achievable today. Our plan is based on a Green Economy. Shift Taxes (not raise), Green Collar Jobs. Solar Energy Generation. Local Food Production. …
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