Port Alberni – The Youngest Place on Vancouver Island?

Lots of news out there today about the Census data. If you’re wondering about Port Alberni, linked are the goods from Stats Can: Duncan, Courtenay and Campbell River are pretty similar to us age wise, but compared to our closest neighbours in Parksville, Qualicum and the NRD, we’re practically a ‘Yutes’ Only Zone! šŸ™‚ Pt …

IPad work on WiFi but not Virgin 3G… Call Virgin

So a couple months back (conveniently right before the new iPad(tm) was released) my iPad 2 suddenly refused to connect to the Internet with 3G. Everything worked on Wifi but on 3G, even with 4 ‘bars’ showing, nothing could access the Internet. Not Safari, Mail, Twitter, Facebook, not a single app could use the Internet …