Canadian Oil Sands: Our ticket to Sustainability

This is an update to my previous post on the CIBC’s predictions of oil production past 2005. The National Post/ has a similar report that actually contains quotes from Mr. Rubin. This was his major point: The six largest multinationals face declining production in the next two years So, since the Canadian oil patch is …

Moqtada Al-Sadr: key to united Iraq?

How ironic it is, the recent history of Moqtada Al-Sadr of Iraq. Once vilified by Rumsfeld and the US Administrationin. He has since become a force in Iraqi politics. He arranged a demonstration in Baghdad supporting a petition signed by 1 million Iraqis (Sunni and Shia) calling for the immediate withdrawal of Coalition forces. And, …

CIBC World Markets: Conventional Oil peaked in 2004

Jeff Rubin, chief economist at CIBC World Markets is reported by the CBC as saying “conventional oil production around the world apparently peaked in 2004.” If anyone can find Jeff Rubins actual words, I’d greatly appreciate it… barring that, here’s what the CBC paraphrased. Rubin does expect a net gain in oil production in coming …