Remembrance Day

Today is Remembrance Day in Canada. Armistice Day in others. Today, at the 11th hour we will all stand silent to remember those who gave their life for our country.

1 million Canadians fought in WW1. At a time when the population of Canada was only 8 million.

67,000 died.

Thousands more died in WWII, Korea and in conflicts around the world.

Remember them today. And honour by working towards a world when their level of sacrifice will never again be needed.

Please, read about my pilgrimage to the battlefields of France.

Vimy Ridge


One reply on “Remembrance Day”

  1. I should some day like to go visit those same battlefields. Just as one should visit the Anne Frank House and Auschwitz.

    I have some comments on memories from my travels in Europe over at Rememberance takes different forms…


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