Under the Geneva Conventions electrocution of a prisoner would be considered torture. So what about Tasers? Last week, an Iranian student at UCLA got tasered: The Youtube video is below… the officers keep saying, after tasering him the first time.. “Stand Up!” “Stand Up!”… but really.. if you’ve been tasered, would you be able to …
Tag Archives: US
9.11 genesis of the Global Village
Around the world, we all have many days of remembrance at which we stop and consider our lives and those who have died in their name. Today I ask that all people, from all walks of life and all political, religious, or moral background stop and consider…. What happened, exactly, on this day 5 years …
Must see Video.. a secularist (female) Arab on AlJazeera
This was on Al Jazeera back in February, so current events sort of add a bit of interesting spin, but it is still a must see. YOU MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO… it is short. The points she makes are deep and poignant. Surely the fact that: a) Al Jazeera simply allowed her to be on …
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