Bush questions Passport rules?

Colour me impressed. President Bush is claiming ignorance to the proposed rule changes for Canadians crossing the US Border and has said that he will review the proposed rule changes. “When I first read that in the newspaper about the need to have passports, particularly the day-crossings that take place … I said, ‘What’s going …

Fallujah War Crimes: Part 2

In my previous post I pointed out an article that suggested war crimes had been commited in the battle in and around Fallujah. The response I got was predictably stern from some readers. I have heard, over and over, that the insurgents do not qualify for protection under the Geneva or Hague Conventions because they …

War Crimes: Fallujah

As I’ve made clear to anyone who asks… I believe that the Iraq war was an illegal action that clearly went against International treaties and conventions signed by all parties involved in the Coalition. I am obviously not alone in that belief since even the Attorney General of Great Britain thought any action without a …