Epic Spam Battles: Please Register

Hi everyone. I’ve been having some major battles with comment spam lately, and it’s really starting to drive me bonkers! I get nearly 50 emails a day, just of notifications of a new comment spam on Murkyview. You may have noticed also that your comments have not been appearing immediately, this is also due to …

US Dollar : Under Pressure from Russia

Yesterday I talked about how the Iranian government was using many different levers to “disrupt and annoy” the United States. Most critically, I mentioned their move to making all their oil transactions in Euros instead of Dolllars, thus forcing any countries using their oil to hold Euros in their federal reserves instead of Greenbacks. Admittedly, …

New International News services

Right now, if you’re looking for news services with a truly global reach, there are only two. The BBC and CNN. Next year, there will be at least one more, and if you speak French, you’ll have one in that language as well. The French channel will emanate from France. It will be called CFII, …