Destroy (again) or Renew?

Dear Editor, (Sent to the AV News on May 20, 2022) I read with great interest your report from the Burde Street Ponds townhall. I regret I was unable to attend as I share the deep concern of the community. I am left with a question. In 2022, why are we still valuing and pursuing …

A War Effort is Needed – To Transition from Fossil Fuels

Sent to the Alberni Valley news March 10, 2022 Published in the March 15, 2022 Alberni Valley News Dear Editor, Nearly every war of the past century can be directly or indirectly tied to the securing of fossil fuel resources. That applies to Ukraine today. My mother’s family (Neufeld and Heubner) were refugees from southern …

A Bouncer at Every Door?

Letter published Sept 15, 2021 – AVNews Dear Editor, I truly hope people are respectful at businesses now that the vaccine passports are in effect.  Getting ID’d at a liquor store, pub, nightclub or cigarette counter has been common for decades. Showing proof of vaccination while we are in a pandemic is hardly any different. …