On Sunday a Greek student in Italy discovered that a “blacked-out” PDF document detailing the US Military’s investigation into the killing of an Italian intelligence agent could be “uncovered”. He told a few newspapers and before we knew it, the previously “classified” report was open for full viewing. This was a technological Oops by some …
Tag Archives: Iraq
Secret Minutes of UK Meeting
This is the memo, published online by The War in Context… and leaked yesterday by the Guardian that I pointed to last night. You can download a capture of it here. As the members of the meeting heard, on July 23, 2002… The Attorney-General said that the desire for regime change was not a legal …
End of Major Combat Operations… 2 years Ago
Can you believe it was two years ago today that President Bush landed on the Abraham Lincoln and declared “major combat” to be over? According to a lucky find on Google. (at this server .Mil address so we know it’s from the US military: web1.whs.osd.mil/mmid/casualty/OIF-Deaths-After.pdf) there have been 1404 casualties (deaths) of US military personnel …
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