Jim Harris Jim Harris where art thou Jim Harris?

If you had been trying to “follow” the Green Party in the media over the last 3 weeks you would have found it very difficult. The coverage has been, at best minimal and at worst, totally non-existant. Some may say that the blame lies in the media establishment, and I’m sure there is an element …

CBC lets slip, why the Green Party isn’t in Debates

The Debates start tonight with the French Language debate (8-10PM EST) on Newsworld only for the CBC and of course the other networks. (Tomorrows English debate is on Newsworld and the CBC-TV) At the end of the article the CBC finally addresses the issue of *why* the Greens aren’t in the debate. It’s not surprising, …

Green Party leader on the National Dec 14

In what appears to be some sort attempt to placate the complaints of the Green Party not being in the Debate, Jim Harris has been invited to participate in a “town hall” style event on the National on Wednesday, December 14. (hattip: Green Canuck) It will air during the regular National broadcast, likely after the …